Yup! This is my mover! We had a doctor appointment on Friday, and this was actually a huge thing for Phil and I humanly speaking... the miscarriage rate goes down by 90% at 12 weeks. They did a sono to get the heart rate, and I got to see the baby!!! See it's face, and right below that you can see it's arms? They were moving like crazy!!! I was teasing that it might be a boy and be a song leader! She actually had a hard time getting the baby's heart rate because it was moving so much! She kept saying that I have a mover in there! :) It was incredible to see it moving! God is so good... and we are so blessed... please pray for me as we go through the next six months waiting to meet our little one!
Merry Christmas!
P.S. - Aunt Patti... I think the baby might be wavin at you!!! :)
Awe...You only have about 1 1/2 M. or 7 weeks before you can feel the baby moving all over the place. Boy is that ever a weird but good feeling. It's fun at this stage too because the moving doesn't hurt it's just really cool. Now when you get in the 30 wk mark that's when the kicks and jabs hurt, especially when the baby hits the bladder or foot stays under your rib, Oh..Man that wasn't cool at all.lol
Emily, we are so happy for you! I like keeping up with you through your blog; you do a great job of it. You're a sweet gal and you'll make a great mom!
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