So... this is another big thing that has happened recently... he now probably holds the world record for having the most pictures on my camera... ;) inside mommy and out! Congrats to Tess... the wonderful mommy that God gave him... Motesem are really excited he's finally here!
Here are some pics I hope you all enjoy.

This is how motessem spent a good part of thier time together... always pushin 'him tellin him to move! :) We had great times doin this...


Tessa, and the baby shower cake I made... aren't the feet cute?!?!? So hard to do though!!!

Tess, Mo, Core n' Me!

A very cute picture... I just had to put it on here...

It's the day!!!

Here he is!!!! March 22nd 8:30 p.m.

The little man himself... 8 pds 3oz 21.5 in!

A very cool picture...

Hello World!!!

Kaiden and his wonderful mommy!!! Congrats Tess!
As much as you change up your background woman you could have 3 posts done. lol
I love the picture of Phil and You on the bench.
~Thanks for posting~
I kinda miss those days, but Im so glad he is here now.
Soooo cuuuute! <3
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