This is my brother, and his wife Renee... aren't they sweet?
If you are around them for any period of time, this is what you will see. They love to smooch. And you could record it, it's so loud. :) They taught Phil and I all we know ;) I learned alot while chaperoning!
Here is Renee being herself...
And Opey... "Hey babe, do you think I'm a hottie now?" And in honor of Opey, here is a tribute to his favorite restraunt... one of the reasons he comes to visit so often!!! :)

Opey is prolly one of the most encouraging people in our life right now. He gives awesome hugs. He's great friends with Phil, although they never get to spend time together. :) They have the same favorite hobby, golfing. And Renee and I have the same favorite hobby, SHOPPING!!! Just ask our husbands! I also love it that they come and visit us. In competition with my mom, they have came and visited us the most. You guys have no idea what an encouragement that is.

~~I hope you guys know how much Phil and I love you! We can't wait to see you!~~
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