Baker is the center of our world... He's simply amazing. God has truly blessed us with an incredible little boy! A week ago this past Tuesday, he was 4 months old :) He's talking away now, or so he thinks :) He rolls over all the time, and can't stand it when he can't roll back over! He is still breastfeeding, which is wonderful. I believe it makes the bond so much stronger. Absolutely nothing against someone who doesn't/didn't... but with me, I have to work full time right now. So, I believe it gives Baker and I some time that we wouldn't normally have. So needless to say, since I work full time, I spend every possible minute with him. It's amazing to look at him, and know how long we prayed for him. God answered our prayers with this little miracle, and I just can't get over how blessed we are to have him! (and I hope that I never get over it either!!!)
Phil is doing good. We are praying that his job will either be transfered, (so he doesn't drive so far) or that God will open another opportunity. Phil is also really into hunting this year... I'll include a picture of his "gig" :) It's something he is really enjoying right now, it's like a stress relief to him! :) Please pray with us, we have several decisions to make in the near future and we strongly need God's guidence. Also, My family is going through some rough times right now. Specifically on my Mom's side... My mom's dad, Ray Hamock was diagnosed with Dimencia not that long ago. He moved in with my parents for Mom to be able to take care of him. He has fallen several times, and is just declining at a rapid rate. This afternoon, they are putting him in a nursing home not far from my parents house. He doesn't really open his eyes much anymore, and isn't getting out of bed either. Please pray for my mom as she is with him every day, and just wants to do the best she can to honor him, and take care of him.
I am doing good too. Staying super busy trying to be a Mommy and Wife and all the other many titles I have and still work a full time job. I am really wanting to either work part time, or be able to do something out of my home. Working full time is so hard physically and emotionally while trying to breastfeed and be a mommy... Don't get me wrong. I LOVE being a mom and wouldn't trade it for anything! Seriously, it's the best thing ever! So, maybe one day... God will allow me to be a stay at home mom :)
We are so excited about the many things coming up in the next couple of months! I swear I will try harder to be better at this!!! Facebook is so much easier though... lol (you can catch me there!!!)
Here are some pics for you to enjoy!!! Oops! Just realized what time it is. I’ll try to add more tomorrow!