Holy Cow!!! Things have been crazy 'round here! And to think we are gonna add another person to the mix!!!
Phil has been keeping himself busy doing things at home, but most recently... he's been fishing with his dad! And this is an everyday thing! The other day, they caught a catfish that was at least 8 pounds. It was almost 2 feet long. They were both very excited about it...
I am now 33 weeks pregnant... here's a very odd picture of my belly... lol it's hard to take a picture of yourself! We have pictures on our camera, but I'm too lazy to upload them!

Looks pretty silly, I know... but you get an idea of how big this belly is gettin!!! Just had a doctor appt last Friday, and I am -1 pound! So I haven't gained anything! I've lost!!! Which is probably a good way for you to tell how sick I've been! Speaking of the little rascal himself... This is by far the most precious picture we've had...
For those of you who for some reason can't see it... ;) Top right of the picture is his belly, then his knee and leg which leads down to both of his feet. (Picture it like he's sittin on his butt, and has his legs crossed) I was so tickled to get pictures of his toes!!! Are they not the most precious thing ever?!?!!? We tried so hard to get pictures of his face, but he didn't want us to see him!!! He litterally had his hands like he was boxing right in front of his face...
Probably the most amazing thing about being pregnant, is feeling him move inside me. It's incredible and so very freaky at the same time! Sometimes it feels like he's doing all he can go get out of there! He has always been head down, just flips from side to side. I've felt his foot quite a few times... it's so neat!!! Just think, in less than 7 weeks we'll be holding this little one!!!! Can't wait!!!!