Thanks to the "other Hulett's" for a wonderful evening... We love you guys!
So many other things are going on right now... My dad has been in the hospital for a few days, he's been bleeding internally and they really haven't found a reason why. It's too complicated to explain on here, I'm afraid I would get some details wrong, but please just be sure to pray for him. It looks like he will be in the hospital for another few days.
For the most recent update on our growing little one... check out my other blog here.
We recently made a trip to TN... I'll have to get the pictures downloaded!
God has been so good to us, Phil has been laid off for over six weeks now, and was told the layoff was indefinite. We are really seeking God's wisdom on how long to wait until he finds a new job. They are still paying his insurance, and keeping all of his benefits and such. Phil really wants to do the right thing, and is waiting for God to make it plain. :) Mean while... the nursery is almost completed! Phil has built the entire room almost by himself. I'm so proud of him... it looks amazing. We are so anxious for our little Baker to get here!
Oh, and kudos to my friend Miss A for the new picture above... isn't it cute?!?!? Thanks Ang!
Love from my house to yours... Em