Thursday, October 18, 2007
I had to share this picture...
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Life is busy, but good here... I'm starting to teach piano in January, so I'm trying to educate myself on how to teach - sounds like a cliche doesn't it? I'm excited about that.
We got the Study/Piano room painted last week. It is a burnt orange... If you know me, you know that I love color :) oh! Our Church's Weiner Roast and Hayride is this weekend... should be a blast, it's my favorite activity! It means fall is here so break out the Jeans and Sweatshirts!!!! :) Also, Phil and I are going to Tanners Orchard this weekend too! It'll be a blast! Don'tcha wish you were here?!?!!?!?!?!?
Work is going good, kinda slow right now... it's the "off season" for my job... the little Scouts are busy sellin Popcorn though! Hey! Speaking of... have you tried the I think it's called White Gold? It is Popcorn (duh!) covered in white chocolate, with almonds.... it's heavenly!
I just sent an email to the LadiesJOYfellowship email welcoming a girl to the "group" and I just like sent an email telling all about myself! LOL for some really odd reason, I'm super chatty today! Not like a blonde cheerleader chatty, but just chatty :)
Mmmmkkkaaay. I think it's time for me to go... I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and enjoy the beautiful weather!
Much luvvvv, Red <3
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Here's the little treat....
The new hair... it's not a good pic, but you can see the highlights! :) I love them! You can kind of see the cut too... I ended up getting about 6 inches cut off... I'm just now starting to get used to it being shorter again :) Amy, since you asked about 10 times.... this is for you ;)
I got to keep some of my nephews Tuesday night and last night... it was quite an adventure! We did homework and showers at night, and did breakfast and went to school in the morning :) It was a blast and they were awesome. Ginger loved having kids to play with, even though they are scared of her... lol Nick & Ryan were used to her soon after they got there, but Trevor... is a different story... :) They took pictures of themselfves this morning on the way to school... aren't they cute?
Nick is 9...
Ryan is 7...
Trevor (Trevie) is 5...
It made me want kids even more! We took them to church with us last night, and Phil preached (M&D are out of town) and I sat in our pew with three boys and Hopie! :) It was great fun.
Hope you enjoyed the pics... more to come! Happy Thursday!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
She yet liveth...
I got home, and went to bed, where Phil told me that his boss called him to do the Iowa route on Saturday. This route leaves at 2 a.m. So usually when Phil runs this route he goes to bed at about 7... well, he went to bed at 11:00, when his boss called him. lol So I, being the wonderful wife that I am... got about 1.5 hours of sleep, then jumped in the huge truck with my hubby... We had a great time together, which is what is important. It's about a 4.5 hour drive up there, but the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is a Chik-fil-a!!! (which we don't have around us...) We got back about 6 p.m. on Saturday. We were exhausted! LOL Phil being the most wonderful husband that he is... took me away for the night. We only went like 30 minutes away, but we stayed in a hotel and ate out. It was wonderful to get some much needed rest.
This week is full of me getting back in the routine of things at work... getting caught up on everything that I got behind on while doing things for the event. Tonight we are making supper for Phil's brother, who's wife just had a hysterectomy. Phil is working like crazy on the bathroom that we are remodeling... wait till you see pics!!! It's gonna be awesome!
Anyways, I have lots of pictures to post, of the event, my hair, our Iowa trip...etc. But you'll have to have a little patience with me... ;)
I hope everyone has great days this week!
Happy Birthday to my sister in law Renee today!
Still alive, and doin her thang... Em