Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Love to you all!
Pumpkin Surprise Cake:
Bottom Crust: 1 yellow cake mix (minus 1 cup to be used for crumble)
1 egg
1 stick margerine (melted)
Mix together, and pat into bottom of 9x13 pan
Middle filling: 1 large can Pumpkin pie MIX
2 eggs
2/3 cup milk (I use evaporated milk)
Mix together, and put on top of bottom crust
Top Crumble: 1 cup cake mix
1/4 cup margerine
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
Makes a crumble for the top of cake... Bake at 350 for 45 - 50 minutes depending on your oven. Mine usually takes longer.
Cheesy Corn Casserole:
1 can Cream Style Corn
1 can Corn (do not drain)
1 stick margerine (melted)
2 eggs (beaten)
1 cup sour cream
1 cup Cheddar Cheese
1 box Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix
Mix together, and place in a greased 9x13 pan. Bake at 350 for 45 - 50 minutes. Is done when sides are slightly golden. 5 minutes before it's done, pull out and put as much cheese on top as you want :) This is wonderful and is one of my families "must have's"
:) Em
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Guess who's still here?
This is what you saw when you first walked in. See the white cone lookin thing? That's paper that's about 2 ft wide, and it's been printed on both sides, and this machine folds it. It was unbelievable!
This is what was coming out of that machine...
I should have written the numbers down of how many/much/etc... but these are rolls of paper. This is the most expensive part of making the Bibles...
These are the ones that are half done, they just have to be trimmed, then binded. Most of these are John and Romans.

There's a little update! I'll have more pics whenver I can get them off of my camera... I have pictures of me with pink hair!!! ahhh!!! :)
Happy Wednesday!!!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
I had to share this picture...
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Life is busy, but good here... I'm starting to teach piano in January, so I'm trying to educate myself on how to teach - sounds like a cliche doesn't it? I'm excited about that.
We got the Study/Piano room painted last week. It is a burnt orange... If you know me, you know that I love color :) oh! Our Church's Weiner Roast and Hayride is this weekend... should be a blast, it's my favorite activity! It means fall is here so break out the Jeans and Sweatshirts!!!! :) Also, Phil and I are going to Tanners Orchard this weekend too! It'll be a blast! Don'tcha wish you were here?!?!!?!?!?!?
Work is going good, kinda slow right now... it's the "off season" for my job... the little Scouts are busy sellin Popcorn though! Hey! Speaking of... have you tried the I think it's called White Gold? It is Popcorn (duh!) covered in white chocolate, with almonds.... it's heavenly!
I just sent an email to the LadiesJOYfellowship email welcoming a girl to the "group" and I just like sent an email telling all about myself! LOL for some really odd reason, I'm super chatty today! Not like a blonde cheerleader chatty, but just chatty :)
Mmmmkkkaaay. I think it's time for me to go... I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and enjoy the beautiful weather!
Much luvvvv, Red <3
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Here's the little treat....
The new hair... it's not a good pic, but you can see the highlights! :) I love them! You can kind of see the cut too... I ended up getting about 6 inches cut off... I'm just now starting to get used to it being shorter again :) Amy, since you asked about 10 times.... this is for you ;)
I got to keep some of my nephews Tuesday night and last night... it was quite an adventure! We did homework and showers at night, and did breakfast and went to school in the morning :) It was a blast and they were awesome. Ginger loved having kids to play with, even though they are scared of her... lol Nick & Ryan were used to her soon after they got there, but Trevor... is a different story... :) They took pictures of themselfves this morning on the way to school... aren't they cute?
Nick is 9...
Ryan is 7...
Trevor (Trevie) is 5...
It made me want kids even more! We took them to church with us last night, and Phil preached (M&D are out of town) and I sat in our pew with three boys and Hopie! :) It was great fun.
Hope you enjoyed the pics... more to come! Happy Thursday!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
She yet liveth...
I got home, and went to bed, where Phil told me that his boss called him to do the Iowa route on Saturday. This route leaves at 2 a.m. So usually when Phil runs this route he goes to bed at about 7... well, he went to bed at 11:00, when his boss called him. lol So I, being the wonderful wife that I am... got about 1.5 hours of sleep, then jumped in the huge truck with my hubby... We had a great time together, which is what is important. It's about a 4.5 hour drive up there, but the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is a Chik-fil-a!!! (which we don't have around us...) We got back about 6 p.m. on Saturday. We were exhausted! LOL Phil being the most wonderful husband that he is... took me away for the night. We only went like 30 minutes away, but we stayed in a hotel and ate out. It was wonderful to get some much needed rest.
This week is full of me getting back in the routine of things at work... getting caught up on everything that I got behind on while doing things for the event. Tonight we are making supper for Phil's brother, who's wife just had a hysterectomy. Phil is working like crazy on the bathroom that we are remodeling... wait till you see pics!!! It's gonna be awesome!
Anyways, I have lots of pictures to post, of the event, my hair, our Iowa trip...etc. But you'll have to have a little patience with me... ;)
I hope everyone has great days this week!
Happy Birthday to my sister in law Renee today!
Still alive, and doin her thang... Em
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I hope all is well with everyone. I have a HUGE thing coming up at work, that I do all of the "manual" things for. It's a huge dinner involving about 600 people... I'm getting a little stressed, and it's a week from tomorrow. So needless to say, you won't hear from me till probably the first of October... I will try really hard to post pics of the new cut, but life is super hectic right now... I covet your prayers for my sanity over the next week!!!
Also, there are several people in our church who are not doing well. I can't stress to you enough how important your prayers are. We know God is good, and He will do what He wills is best... But please pray for these people:
- Dennis and Diane Lambert - They have had Lizzy since she was 5 weeks old. She is now 41/2 and they have been trying to adopt her. They have adopted her brother, but have been in court with her.... DCFS came in on Monday and took Lizzy out of her home. The Lamberts are having a really rough time. I don't know all that is behind it, but I do know that this is the family that Lizzy knows. Please Pray
- Connie Gilroy - Has been fighting cancer for years. Things are not looking good. We love her so much, and she is in so much pain. She needs God's grace and mercy to overflow on her behalf. Please Pray
There are many others that I could list, but these two are very crucial right now.
Thank you for your prayers!
God is good, ALL the time!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Happy Weekend!!!
Loves from me!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I hope this finds you all in the wonderful grace of God! We are so blessed beyond measure! The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want! He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside the still waters!! My cup runneth over!!!! Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever! I was sitting here at work, and those verses keep going in and out of my head, oh the joy we have when we are one of HIS children!
So I have a few pictures to share...

If you have ever been out to eat with me, you'll know that I always order water with tons of lemon. (Yes, I make my own lemonade!) Well, in most places, they bring one, maybe two. Yeah, so Applebee's is definately the best at this. Our waiter was awesome.... doesn't it look neat? Everyone kept asking if it was just water... ;0)
So on Labor day, Phil and I went to New Salem and walked around the park that is all about Abe Lincoln. They have the houses and buildings just as they were. I told Phil to take a picture of the only Tavern I was allowed to walk into!!! :) Actually, in those days a tavern was more for a home cooked mean, and a bed to rest. Hardly ever was there liquor involved. Interesting huh?
That's all for now Folks!!! Till next time... Em
Friday, August 31, 2007
3:00 AM
I feel bad being so excited about my birthday... If you really know me, you'd know that I'm like a kid when it comes to Christmas about my birthday.... I love it! Right now though, it's not lookin like it's gonna be such a bright day! But I'm sure we'll make up for it, and celebrate all weekend! I have a feeling that something is going to happen tonight, and it might involve Monicals... but don't tell anyone! ;) I don't think I'm suppose to know! (shhhh!!!)
Pray for me please... I'm seriously considering giving piano lessons, but I lack a thing called self-confidence, or lack of knowledge fear... lol I've had quite a few people ask me about them, and if I would do it. We were just praying about a way to pay off some of this work that we are doing to the house. God knows, and he'll provide! Just pray that I won't be stubborn to His will. Speaking of His will... I have something that I need to write about, but it is very hard for me... I know that alot of people struggle with this thing, but I tend to hide it to myself. But I know that if we have struggles, or things we just don't flipping understand, that for some reason, God gives us people who have expierenced the same thing. And He gives them to us, or puts them in our lives for a purpose, and I don't want my pride of self dignity or whatever you want to call it to get in the way....
God is good, all the time... even though sometimes we just don't see it.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
total eclipse of the heart....
Happy Tuesday!!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Butter and Flies :)
Phil and I had a great weekend together... We went to the Illinois State Fair on Saturday. It was cool. I wish I would have had my camera to take more pictures, but I hate to carry stuff around when I'm trying to look at things and eat my favorite "fair gyros" :) I did however, get a few with Phil's phone... I had to share this with my blog friends...

Yup, this is ALL butter!!! Amazing huh? The tallest point was probably 4 1/2 feet tall...
Look at the little kitty cat!! You can't really see them, but hanging from the tree they had made little dragon flies and hung them from string...
On this last one, be sure to look at the owl. The detail was incredible!!! It even had little glasses on! And the doggie!!! I could have stood there for hours and just stared at it... but of course as you can see, I wasn't the only one who thought it was cool!
On our way home, we made a pit-stop at our local Wally Word to buy a new pet...errrr plant.
This is our new fly trap plant! If you haven't seen these... they are really neat. I remember having one in our class room when I was in kindygarden... the one that is really out of focus and has a black spot... we got a hold of a fly and put it on the petal... and it closes up around the fly! It was really neat! Naturally, if you just leave the plant alone, the flies land on the petals, and they eat them... it's a live plant!
On Sunday, we had our church picnic... this was different from any other year though, we actually stayed in the basement of the church for most of the activities (eating) and only went back to the pavilion for snow cones (made by none other than the Snow King and Queen... yours truely) and our traditional egg toss. We also had some other games, but people didn't last very long, because it was like almost 100 degrees... it was burning hot.
Anyways, that is an update on the Hulett home... we are good, and God is great!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Camping Trip

This was the fire we built! You can't see it too well, but I'm really proud of it because I was the one who went looking for fire wood. Of course I was sure to tell Phil, that I really didn't enjoy this part... Everyone at work thought it was hilarious that I had never built a fire... I work for the Boy Scouts... Of course I replied back with... I'm a girl... :)
This is our tent!!! It was so easy to put up! Phil kept sayin that you aren't suppose to sleep when you go camping... Yes, I know... why did we put it up then???? We ended up staying up until about 5 a.m. then going and taking a nap :) Although, Phil does these trout line things... and we had to go out every two hours to check the lines... oh joy!
This is me with one of the fish I caught! We ended up being able to take back about 5 fish... two were really good size catfish! yum! And give me credit for looking so icky... I'd been up for almost 30 hours with about two hours of sleep and no shower!

Speaking of me looking icky... Ginger went with us... She was filthy!!!! She loved the fish we caught and how they jumped she would just start barkin and growling... it was cute. We wrapped a shirt around her to get her home and walked straight into the bathroom... This was her right before we left. She got hot so she went and laid in the muddy water... Ya just gotta love dogs...
Thursday, July 12, 2007

Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Our 1st House!!!! We are homeowners!!!

The house that I grew up in as a kid...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Three wonderful years...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Yes, I know it's been forever. But so much has drastically changed in my life...
- I quit my job in Tennessee where I absolutely loved the people I worked with
- We packed our entire home
- I ate sushi for the last time at Wasabi while a TN resident
- Phil quit his job at McAlisters
- I said good-bye to my closest friends on earth
- We packed the moving truck with the help of some of our dearest friends
- We traveled ALL day to Illinois
- We signed on our first house that we own on June 1st at 11:30a.m.
- We moved into our new home on June 1st at 12:00p.m.
- We unpacked our house and started remodeling the basement
- I started my job with BSA in Peoria, IL on June 5th
- Phil started his job at CIP in Morton, IL on June 5th
- We moved our membership to Bethel Baptist Church on June 17th
- We celebrated Fathers Day - another year to celebrate something we aren't
- I'm sure there is something I'm forgetting...
- Oh, Ginger is now completely potty trained in our new house
So, to alot of you, this might not seem like much.
But right now, it's the biggest struggle I've ever had...
Thursday, March 22, 2007
-In memory of truly great pianist-

Monday, March 19, 2007
The life of a busy lady...

Last, but far from the least... We got a new car!!!!!!!!! I was deeply upset... the Malibu gave out on us... it was going to be too much to replace what needed to be replaced, so we traded it and got a great deal! The new one is a 2005 Ford Freestyle. It is a mix between a van and an SUV, with a lot of simularities of a station wagon. I can fit 7 people!!! It will be so nice when we work with churches and travel on deputation and stuff like that... It's so nice! It has 18,000 miles on it. I can't wait to show it to everyone! God is so good! :)
So, this is just a couple of things that are going on... I'll post later about Phil's graduation and moving back to Illinois, and all... Please keep us in your prayers! :)