I have several different things to post about, so make sure you scroll all the way down. I have lots of pictures to put on here, but I want them seperated... so here goes!
NATALIE TAILBY - Natalie came from Corby, England to stay with us for 17 days. We had a blast getting to know her even more. We met Natalie when Phil and I went to England last summer. Here are some pics so you can get to know her a little!

Here she is at our family Easter dinner... She got a new dress, isn't the color awesome on her?

On Saturday, the church had a bowling activity... she loved it. This was a great time for the church to get to know her better also.

This is her man, Jonathan V. He goes to Crown College with Phil. Jonathan showed up at the airport in Cincinnati to surprise her with a promise ring and a necklace. She screamed so loud, and I was standing right next to her when she saw him. The people at working at the airport were ready to push the "red button" that something was wrong. LOL It was a blast. Congrats to Jonathan and Natalie... we love you both, and pray that God stays in the middle of your relationship and that everything you do, will glorify Him.

One of the things Nat is great doing, is working with kids. By the end of the bowling banquet Nathan had taught them German 1-10 and she had taught them French 1-10. It was great, and very sweet to see her interact with them.

This is how we were used to seeing Nat by the time she left. On the phone with Jonathan. LOL Great times. We miss you Nat! We are praying for you, and can't wait to see you again! x-x-x