Dr. Paisley came and spoke at our Faithful Men's Conference this past January... We enjoyed so much having him here... I wanted to share some about him. He gave Biblically sound Bible messages, and spoke to my heart in many ways. It was a pleasure to meet and converse with him. May God bless him in many ways for being a blessing to Temple Baptist Church. He also taught us a new song they sing in Ireland... here are some of lyrics... "With eternity's values in view Lord, With eternity's values in view... May I do each days work for Jesus, with eternity's values in view!" Amen! Amen! and Amen!!!!!
Here is what a the local news station said about his visit...
British Parliament member says faith comes first!!
Temple Baptist Church welcomed Dr. Ian Paisley, the Northern Irish leader with a reputation for pitting Protestants against the Catholic church.
For 36 years, Dr. Paisley has used his position in Parliament to block Ireland's attempts to withdraw from British rule.Tuesday morning, the Irish minister's message sounded both familiar and foreign."It's a great thing to serve the Lord," Paisley told about 1,400 people sitting in the Powell church's pews. "It's a thrilling thing to serve the Lord!"
Paisley has perfected his powerful delivery from his seat in Great Britain's Parliament, but he also practices from the pulpit of the Free Presbyterian Church he founded."It's the same message, but the delivery is very powerful and rich and full," Crown College Junior Dan Rolle said. "He'd get on a little Irish role there, and I wasn't sure what he was saying, but for the most part, I got it."
"It's good for those of like, precious faith to come across denominational barriers and stand together in the things they agree on," Dr. Paisley explained that Protestant and Baptist views on gospel ministry, misionary work and helping the poor were similar. Paisley preached Jesus Christ's compassion, at the same time calling on church members to "re-dedicate themselves" and to become militant about their beliefs."I'm just a plain jailbird out of jail for the time being," he told the audience.Paisley says he has taken an uncompromising stand on his convictions. He twice went to prison for leading demonstrations that ended in riots."His determination to keep Northern Ireland as part of the U.K. is what has caused the conflict through the years," Temple Baptist Pastor Dr. Clarence Sexton explained. "He does not compromise.""Because you take one stand, and you don't change that stand, many people are going to say you're controversial," James Daniel, missionary to Puerto Rico, said.
Sexton said he has preached at Paisley's invitation in England and Ireland.He points out the Bible Belt was formed by immigrants from Northern Ireland. He says Paisley came to East Tennessee as an example of how to voice one's Christian convictions."I need to hear preaching like that," he told the congregation."God has called me to preach," Rolle said. "I'm a preacher, and he's given me a very high example of someone to strive for."